Spring Facts for Kids
Spring has sprung and we love to talk about different seasons and embrace change at Star Montessori, in our curriculum we are constantly trying to have themes and fun ideas to incorporate our lessons. Spring is a great way to add some color into our curriculum.
We encourage you to take this time to get outside so children know the importance of being active and simultaneously reap the benefits of fresh air and sunshine. Talk to your doctor about the best way to handle allergies so that nothing comes in the way of you and the great outdoors!
Here are some fun spring facts to share with you and your kids!
Spring is one of four seasons, Fall, Winter, and Summer (our students learn about all the seasons in the classroom!)
Spring is the symbol of rebirth
When it is Spring in the Northern Hemisphere it is Fall in the Southern Hemisphere
The Northern Hemisphere is north of the equator, the US is in the north
The Southern Hemisphere is south of the equator, Australia is in the south
Spring typically begins end of March
Spring brings longer and warmer days
Many babies like cows, ducks, and birds have their babies in spring
In April, you will see more rain followed by more flowers in May
What kinds of spring traditions does your family have? Are there any activities you’d like to see your child do at Star Montessori? Let us know!