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Thank You!

Star Montessori would like to wish everyone Happy Holiday’s! With the holiday season in full swing, our teachers and students have a little extra spring in their step. Maybe it is the anticipation of presents under the tree, filling up with our favorite cookies, or sitting around the table with family and friends from near and far.

Depending on how old your child is, this is a time for them to learn about the history of the many holiday’s you and your family celebrate, become a part of family traditions, and hopefully get to spend some extra time with their parents and families.

I don’t know if I could pick a favorite holiday, but Thanksgiving has always been a favorite. I love when there’s a chill in the air, lots of food, and people getting together to talk and eat. What could be better? Thanksgiving Day first started in New England, it was to give thanks for the abundance of crops. The first Thanksgiving was celebrated by pilgrims, who were helped by the Indians in the rough period. This custom spread from Plymouth colony where they Pilgrims and Indians broke bread, to other colonies. In October, 1777 all 13 colonies joined in the thanksgiving celebration. It became a national holiday much later when a famous editor Sarah Hale persuaded President Lincoln to declare it.

Today, Thanksgiving Day is usually a family reunion dinner celebration. Traditional foods include turkey, cranberry, and pumpkin pie but each family celebrates in their own unique way. We would love to hear about your favorite family traditions, recipes to cook, and funny holiday stories.

We just celebrated our Star Montessori thanksgiving party with the students and it was such a wonderful time. We strongly believe we are a family at Star Montessori and we just want to say thank you for letting us learn, play, and grow with your children. We are thankful for each and every one of our teachers and students for making Star the family it is today.

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