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Happy Independence Day!

Happy Independence Day!

As the long holiday weekend approaches us, barbeques, sunshine, and fireworks are near in sight. I feel like many times we rejoice over the extended weekend but forget the why. What does “Independence Day” mean?

Here at Star Montessori School and Day Care we love to celebrate holidays and incorporate them into our day to day activities. We feel that it is not only important to teach students the significance of different holidays but to also add some color into our preschool, daycare, afterschool, and summer curriculum. We are constantly diversifying our curriculum to keep our students and teachers on their toes! Themed parties, new games, more arts & crafts time… yes please!! So this weekend as you beat the heat with some popsicles, talk to your child about what they have been learning all week at Star, and also throw in some of your own knowledge.

Need some quick facts and talking points, we have you covered!

  • The 4th of July is our country’s birthday. On July 4, 1776 our country’s founders declared independence from Great Britain.

  • The first signature on the Declaration of Independence was John Hancock’s. The myth is that he wrote his name large so that King George would be able to read it without his glasses.

  • The stars on the American flag represent the 50 states and the 13 stripes stand for the 13 British colonies.

  • Play a game with your kids; ask them to imagine that they have been elected president. What would they do? Some may say free ice cream for all (yes please), others may wish for world peace. Talk about some of our past presidents and their accomplishments. Abraham Lincoln helped lead a war to keep the country together.

  • What can we do as citizens? Talk to your kids about what they can do for our country. They may be small but you can share the importance of going to school, voting, and obeying laws.

  • The first public Fourth of July event at the White House occurred in 1804. The first Independence Day celebration west of the Mississippi occurred at Independence Creek and was celebrated by Lewis and Clark in 1805.

  • Today, the 4th of July is a day of picnics and patriotic parades, a night of concerts and fireworks, and a reason to fly the American flag

Wishing you a Happy 4th of July from our Star Family to yours!

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